Topic: Sinatra microservices on OpenBSD 7.6
Date:  2025 FEB 17
We’ve finally upgraded to a full rack at iNOC and as part of the upgrade, we’re reprovisioning our application servers, rather than migrating their VMs to newer hardware. Part of that process includes moving the counters microservice to one of the new application servers – it’s a small Sinatra microservice that provides simple hit counters for It’s been deployed on OpenBSD for a long time, but was deployed in a somewhat “un-OpenBSD-like” way:
- Ruby version and gemset managed with RVM
- Reverse proxying and TLS wrapping handled by
- Microservice start/stop managed by Capistrano
Additionally, the OpenBSD application server on which it was deployed predated our adoption of Ansible. The host was managed with a bunch of homegrown scripts and configuration files.
The counters microservice had also been running on Unicorn, which was the popular way to serve Rack applications when it was created. We wanted to switch it over to Puma as part of the upgrade.
New Application Server
The new application server runs OpenBSD 7.6, and we wanted to use it as an experiment for the following:
- Going back to Ruby version management through the OS package manager
- Reverse proxying and TLS wrapping using relayd
- Per-application deploy users
- Per-application database users
- Better logging, with not-custom log rotation
- Microservice management with rc-scripts
The application would be otherwise unchanged, other than the Unicorn => Puma switch and various gem updates.
There are actually two application servers, just as with the old deployment configuration: production and staging. Unlike the old setup, Ansible makes it easy to keep both essentially identical in configuration.
Ansible Provisioning of the Base Application Server
Ansible playbooks were split into two parts: an OpenBSD application server playbook, which sets up the basic OpenBSD appserver features required of most of our deployed applications, and counters_app.yml
, which handles all of the configuration specific to the counters microservice.
The base OpenBSD application server is provisioned with the following playbook:
- name: Configure OpenBSD application servers
become: yes
become_method: doas
ansible_doas_pass: "{{ ansible_user_password }}"
- openbsd_handlers
- glitchworks_managed
- static_ip
- static_dns
- managed_pf
- ntp_client
- munin_node
- no_sound
- name: Copy acme-client configuration
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/acme-client.conf"
dest: /etc/acme-client.conf
owner: root
group: wheel
mode: '0644'
- name: Add acme-client cronjobs
name: "acme-client update for {{ item }}"
minute: 0
hour: 0
user: root
job: "acme-client {{ item }} && rcctl restart relayd"
with_items: "{{ hosted_application_hostnames }}"
- name: Configure httpd
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/httpd.conf"
dest: /etc/httpd.conf
owner: root
group: wheel
mode: '0640'
- name: Enable and restart httpd
name: httpd
state: restarted
enabled: true
- name: Ensure acme-client TLS files have been generated for configured hostnames
shell: "acme-client {{ item }}"
creates: "/etc/ssl/{{ item }}.crt"
with_items: "{{ hosted_application_hostnames }}"
- name: Configure relayd
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/relayd.conf"
dest: /etc/relayd.conf
owner: root
group: wheel
mode: '0640'
- name: Enable and restart relayd
name: relayd
state: restarted
enabled: true
Basically, this just does our standard host setup, then configures acme-client
and httpd
to serve LetsEncrypt challenge files, puts in the acme-client
cronjobs, and configures relayd
. For relayd
to provide the full cert chain, we need to make sure that /etc/ssl/
is the full chain – by default, it’s just the server certificate. Here’s a config snippet:
domain {
domain key "/etc/ssl/private/"
domain certificate "/etc/ssl/counters.glitchworks.net_certonly.crt"
domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/"
sign with letsencrypt
So, /etc/ssl/
ends up being the full cert chain, at the filename that relayd
expects. The server-only certificate is also saved at /etc/ssl/counters.glitchworks.net_certonly.crt
just in case we’d need it for some reason.
relayd Configuration
We’ve been using relayd more and more for various tasks, and wanted to try replacing nginx
with relayd
as the reverse proxy for this microservice. Briefly, relayd
does its work through a mix of application level code and firewall rules through OpenBSD’s excellent pf
. relayd
can perform reverse proxying, transparent proxying, TLS/SSL wrapping, and load balancing.
I used this writeup to get going with my relayd
configuration. Here’s an abbreviated relayd
configuration for the application server, including just the bits for the counters microservice:
# Managed by Ansible, DO NOT HAND-EDIT!
# relayd.conf for
table <counters> { lo0 }
table <httpd> { lo0 }
http protocol "http" {
match request header set "Connection" value "close"
match response header remove "Server"
http protocol "https" {
pass request header "Host" value "" forward to <counters>
tls keypair ""
# Preserve address headers
match request header append "X-Forwarded-For" value "$REMOTE_ADDR"
match request header append "X-Forwarded-Port" value "$REMOTE_PORT"
match request header append "X-Forwaded-By" value "$SERVER_ADDR:$SERVER_PORT"
match request header set "Connection" value "close"
match response header remove "Server"
# Best practice security headers
match response header append "Strict-Transport-Security" value "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains"
match response header append "X-Frame-Options" value SAMEORIGIN
match response header append "X-XSS-Protection" value "1; mode=block"
match response header append "X-Content-Type-Options" value nosniff
match response header append "Referrer-Policy" value strict-origin
match response header append "Feature-Policy" value "accelerometer 'none'; camera 'none'; geolocation 'none'; gyroscope 'none'; magnetometer 'none'; microphone 'none'; payment 'none'; usb 'none'"
relay "http" {
listen on vio0 port http
protocol "http"
forward to <httpd> port $httpd_port
relay "httpsv4" {
listen on port https tls
protocol "https"
forward to <httpd> port $httpd_port
forward to <counters> port $counters_port
relay "httpsv6" {
listen on ::0 port https tls
protocol "https"
forward to <httpd> port $httpd_port
forward to <counters> port $counters_port
Notice there are two relay
blocks for HTTPS serving: this is due to an apparently longstanding problem in which multiple listen
statements don’t work with TLS keypairs! This silently fails, and if you’ve specified an interface instead of an IP (as with the plain HTTP relay’s listen on vio0 port http
), relayd
will grab only one address from it. Catching this bug, which would result in intermittent IPv4-only and IPv6-only operation, was quite the pain!
It’s also worth mentioning that relayd
can listen on port 80 and redirect traffic to it for httpd
despite httpd
already listening on port 80. This is possible due to relayd
interacting with the pf
firewall, rerouting traffic in part based on firewall rules rather than having to run a server bound to port 80.
Ruby Deployment Environment
Unlike many other OS distributions, it’s not necessary or desirable to use a manager like RVM or rbenv to manage an application’s Ruby version or gemset. OpenBSD provides up-to-date MRI Rubies, as well as JRubies and Mrubies. We’re deploying on MRI 3.3, and at the time of writing, OpenBSD 7.6 has ruby-3.3.5
in binary packages. Using binary packages provided by the OS distribution means they’ll get updated along with the rest of packages during OS updates, removing yet another maintenance headache.
This approach does limit the available minor Ruby versions for an application. Our approach has been to use whatever the current MRI Ruby OpenBSD packages, and to specify the same version for development environments.
OpenBSD also provides the ruby-shims
package, which will select the correct Ruby binary based on several mechanisms. We’re using .ruby-version
files in deployment, as we use them in development with RVM. ruby-shims
works by symlinking various Ruby components to its own executables; for example, /usr/local/bin/ruby
is symlinked to /usr/local/libexec/rubyshim
Gemset management is handled by Bundler and Capistrano, so we don’t need per-application gemsets managed by another tool.
Using ruby-shims
and an OS distribution binary Ruby package means that there are no special environment requirements for the deploy user: on previous application servers, we’d set up the deploy user(s) to use bash
, as that was the simplest way to make RVM behave. Now, the deploy user can use /bin/ksh
or any other interactive shell.
Counters Application Server
The microservice-specific setup is handled by another playbook, counters_app.yml
- name: Configure Sinatra counters application hosts
become: yes
ansible_doas_pass: "{{ ansible_user_password }}"
application_path: /home/counters/counters
shared_db_config: "{{ application_path }}/shared/config/database.yml"
- mariadb_server
- role: sinatra_apphost
application_name: counters
deploy_user: counters
syslog_facility: local0
- name: Create counters database
name: counters
login_user: root
login_password: "{{ mariadb_root_password }}"
state: present
- name: Create counters DB user and grant permissions
name: counters
password: "{{ counters_db_password }}"
priv: 'counters.*:ALL'
login_user: root
login_password: "{{ mariadb_root_password }}"
state: present
- name: Ensure shared configuration directory exists
path: "{{ shared_db_config | dirname }}"
state: directory
owner: counters
- name: Populate shared database.yml
src: "{{ inventory_hostname }}/counters_database.yml.j2"
dest: "{{ shared_db_config }}"
owner: counters
mode: '0600'
This playbook sets up the MariaDB database for the microservice and grants permissions. It then drops a populated database.yml
in, filled out with the correct database username and password for the server.
Most of the other configuration is handled in the role delegation to the sinatra_apphost
role. A condensed section of it follows:
- name: Install Ruby 3.3 and ruby-shims
name: ruby-3.3.5,ruby-shims
- name: Ensure git is installed
name: git
state: present
- name: "Create deploy user: {{ deploy_user }}"
name: "{{ deploy_user }}"
comment: "{{ application_name }} deploy user"
shell: /bin/ksh
- name: "Create rc-script for {{ application_name }}"
src: openbsd_service.j2
dest: "/etc/rc.d/{{ application_name }}"
owner: root
group: wheel
mode: '0555'
- name: "Enable rc-script for {{ application_name }}"
name: "{{ application_name }}"
enabled: true
- name: Check for syslog facility conflict
path: /etc/syslog.conf
regexp: '^({{ syslog_facility }}.*\s+)(\/.*)$'
replace: '\1/var/log/{{ application_name }}'
check_mode: true
register: syslog_facility_presence
- name: Throw error if the specified syslog facility is already configured
msg: "ERROR: syslog facility '{{ syslog_facility }}' is already in use by another application."
when: syslog_facility_presence.changed
- name: "Configure syslogging for {{ application_name }}"
dest: /etc/syslog.conf
line: "{{ syslog_facility }}.* /var/log/{{ application_name }}"
regexp: "^{{ syslog_facility }}.*"
state: present
notify: Restart syslog daemon
- name: "Touch syslog file for {{ application_name }}"
content: ""
dest: "/var/log/{{ application_name }}"
force: false
owner: root
group: wheel
mode: '0644'
notify: Restart syslog daemon
- name: Configure log rotation
path: /etc/newsyslog.conf
marker: "# {mark} Ansible-managed block for {{ application_name }} logs"
block: |
/var/log/{{ application_name }} 644 4 * $W0 Z
- name: Grant doas permission for deploy user on rc-script
path: /etc/doas.conf
marker: "# {mark} Ansible-managed block for {{ application_name }} deploy user"
block: |
permit nopass {{ deploy_user }} cmd /etc/rc.d/{{ application_name }}
validate: doas -C %s
- name: Generate SSH key for deploy user if none exists
name: "{{ deploy_user }}"
generate_ssh_key: yes
ssh_key_type: ed25519
ssh_key_comment: "{{ deploy_user }}@{{ inventory_hostname }}"
force: no
- name: Add Glitch Works, LLC authorized SSH keys
user: "{{ deploy_user }}"
state: present
key: "{{ lookup('file', item) }}"
- "credentials/ssh_pubkeys/*.pub"
The sinatra_apphost
role is responsible for installing Ruby, the ruby-shims
package, making sure Git is installed, and setting up the deploy user. It then created a rc-script from a template for the microservice, and sets up syslog facilities for it. doas
(OpenBSD’s sudo
replacement) entries are created to allow the deploy user to manage the Puma processes through the rc-script. Finally, a deploy key is generated for the deploy user, and SSH authorized keys for the workstations that may deploy the application are installed.
Managing Puma with rc-scripts
One of the big changes with this deployment was the management of the microservice’s HTTP server using rc-scripts. Prior deploys relied on Capistrano tasks, such as cap production unicorn:start
to manage it, and did not run automatically on the server. This resulted in situations where one had to remember to restart all of the applications on a given server if it was restarted for some reason.
OpenBSD handily provides everything we need to write simple, effective rc-scripts. Here’s the rc-script for the counters microservice:
# Managed by Ansible, DO NOT HAND-EDIT!
# Sinatra/Puma startup script for counters
daemon="RACK_ENV=production bundle exec pumactl start"
# Run in background
. /etc/rc.d/rc.subr
rc_check() {
cd /home/counters/counters/current/
RACK_ENV=production bundle exec pumactl status
rc_restart() {
cd /home/counters/counters/current/
RACK_ENV=production bundle exec pumactl phased-restart
rc_stop() {
cd /home/counters/counters/current/
RACK_ENV=production bundle exec pumactl stop
rc_cmd "$1"
The above lets us accomplish everything we wanted with microservice management: we can now control it with an rc-script that can be set to start/stop automatically as the system is brought up or shut down, it drops to an unpriviledged user, and it logs. Logging is via syslog
facilities. In the above example, we’re using local0
, which is specified when the sinatra_apphost
role is brought in. /etc/syslog.conf
is also configured to put all messages at level info
or higher into /var/log/counters
, which is rotated by newsyslog
My rc-script departs from some of the other examples I’d seen online in that it fully uses built-in OpenBSD rc-script facilities, such as daemon_user
and daemon_logger
Do note that Puma had to be configured to drop its PID file at /home/counters/
to avoid issues with Capistrano deployments overwriting it.
Capistrano Tasks
I added a custom Capistrano task to start/restart the Puma server in config/deploy.rb
# config valid only for current version of Capistrano
lock '3.19.2'
set :application, 'counters'
set :repo_url, ''
set :deploy_to, '/home/counters/counters'
set :keep_releases, 2
namespace :puma do
desc 'Restart Puma via rc-script'
task :restart do
on roles(:web) do
execute 'doas /etc/rc.d/counters restart'
This allows us to run cap production puma:restart
from the command line, or have deploy scripts automatically restart Puma once the deploy is finished. There’s a capistrano3-puma
gem available, but it seems to be applicable only to deployments on platforms running systemd
which we’re obviously not doing on OpenBSD!
The Capistrano task does depend on doas
being configured to allow passwordless invocation of /etc/rc.d/counters
by the deploy user. One should not give doas
permission to call /usr/sbin/rcctl
– that would allow the deploy user to restart any running process on the system which is definitely not desirable!
Well, that’s basically it! I think writing the Ansible playbooks and getting them just right took more time than anything OpenBSD-specific, including having to find that weird relayd
bug concerning listen
directives. Next, we’ll be working on playbooks for deploying Rails applications in the same manner. In the meantime, the counter below is being served to you by essentially the above:
applications hosted on OpenBSD