.:[Building a Mail Server with OpenBSD, OpenSMTPd, and Dovecot]:.

Topic: Handling mail the OpenBSD way
Date:  2017 MAY 12

With another mystery increase in the monthly pricing for the paid email service that had been used for glitchwrks.com, I decided to switch back to managing my own mail server. In addition to becoming increasingly expensive, the paid service wasn’t providing SPF records I could delegate to, or DKIM signing. I had read about OpenBSD’s OpenSMTPd project some time ago, but had never actually installed and configured OpenSMTPd myself, aside from forwarding system accounts via aliases on other OpenBSD projects.

This is not something new or particularly hard to do, but I did find a few areas in which I was left searching through others’ documentation looking for answers. This writeup won’t be a step-by-step guide, but references to other resources and explanations of snags I hit. I used the following resources, and recommend a read through them first:

If you will be using Let’s Encrypt for SSL/TLS certificates, read the following:

Installing the Required Packages

My use case is pretty simple, incoming SMTP, authenticated outbound SMTP relaying, and IMAP for client access. I don’t currently require virtuals or multiple domain support, but I followed the Official OpenSMTPd FAQ Example and planned for it anyway. OpenSMTPd is part of the base OpenBSD distribution, so that’s already present, but you’ll need to install the following:

  • opensmtpd-extras for passwd file authentication (not necessary if you’re going to use system logins)
  • dovecot for IMAP access
  • acme-client if you are on OpenBSD < 6.1 and plan on using Let’s Encrypt for SSL/TLS

SSL/TLS, Let’s Encrypt, and acme-client

Let’s Encrypt is a free, open, and automated SSL/TLS certificate authority formed with the goal of making SSL/TLS certificates free and so easy to obtain that everyone can secure any connection they’d like. No wildcard certs required when they’re free! In addition to being automated for certificate generation, certificates can be automatically renewed yearly with a simple cron job. There are many clients for handling creation and renewal of SSL/TLS certificates from Let’s Encrypt, but acme-client now ships with OpenBSD 6.1 and later. If you’re on an earlier version, follow the install instructions on the project’s site. Once installed, follow the examples in the acme-client manpage for configuring httpd to host the challenge files (don’t forget to open port 80 in pf and any external firewalls!).

acme-client will give two files, a foo.com.fullchain.pem file and foo.com.key in the directories you have configured in acme-client.conf. The PEM file is your public certificate with full chain, and the key file is your secret private key. When generating keys for OpenSMTPd and Dovecot, generate them for the address that your mail clients will be connecting to. For example, if clients connect to a CNAME of mail.foo.com which points to realserver.foo.com, generate the certificates for mail.foo.com.

Shared Passwd File Authentication

The Official OpenSMTPd FAQ Example uses passwd file authentication, with a shared file between both OpenSMTPd and Dovecot. I found it unclear on how to generate entries for this file. They’re done by hand, with the encrypted password hash being generated with smtpctl encrypt – you can provide the string you wish to encrypt afterwards, but beware that this will be visible in the system process list! Invoking smtpctl encrypt with no other options will put you in an encryption shell where each line entered will be encrypted on hitting enter. Type CTRL+C to exit.

If you have accounts that will not ever receive email (an account for your site’s contact form mailer, for example), you can provide a username in the passwd file that does not include the domain portion of an email. For instance, a contact mailer entry could use the username contactmailer rather than contactmailer@foo.com.

Dovecot Configuration

Dovecot’s configuration is complicated by the fact that it is spread across many files in a conf.d directory. In particular, I couldn’t immediately figure out where to put the configuration for the shared passwd file. I ended up putting it in 10-auth.conf, at the very end, and commenting out all of the other authentication options. At some point I will probably compact the Dovecot configuration directory down into a single file, since my configuration is rather simple.

After starting Dovecot for the first time with SSL/TLS enabled, generation of the Diffie-Hellman parameters (dhparams) takes quite some time, especially if you’ve set it to a large value. This caused SSL/TLS connections to fail at first with no clear error message from the Dovecot logs. tail the log file and wait for a message indicating completion of dhparams generation before trying to connect over SSL/TLS.

When connecting with Sylpheed email client I had to check the option to use non-blocking SSL. Apparently Dovecot doesn’t support it. I didn’t test with only sending through OpenSMTPd, though it’s hardly relevant since you can’t enable it for SMTP and not for IMAP. Of course, if you’re connecting on SSL/TLS specific ports (587 for SMTP, 993 for IMAP) then you want to connect with SSL, not STARTTLS.

Future Improvements

With basic configuration complete, I’m in the process of switching over to the new server and getting everything checked out before my next monthly bill! Future plans for this mail server include adding DKIM support with dkimproxy, automatic filtering of listserv traffic with dovecot-pigeonhole, and spammer annoyance with spamd.

The overall experience with OpenSMTPd was very good, it will be replacing postfix as my MTA of choice for future projects.

emails bounced

Copyright (c) 2025 Jonathan Chapman