.:[Walnut Creek CP/M Archive CD-ROM via BitTorrent]:.

Topic: The Walnut Creek CP/M Archive CD-ROM
Date:  2010 OCT 25

Today’s the 16th anniversary of the last CD-ROM release of the Walnut Creek CP/M Archive. This was a massive shareware/freeware archive hosted by the Walnut Creek guys over at ftp.cdrom.com years ago. Unfortunately, it’s gone now. There are several people with mostly complete mirrors, but I’ve been unable to find a full image of the CD-ROM anywhere. After The Next HOPE, a friend managed to create a copy of his copy of the archive and send it to me. I’m re-releasing it via BitTorrent, in hopes that it will remain available to future CP/M users. Get the torrent file here.

UPDATE: The archive is now being hosted at the Glitch Works File Dump as well as being available via BitTorrent.

.:[Torrent Info]:.
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  /  /  __|  | |  \   __\/  __\|  |  \  THIS TORRENT RELEASED BY   |
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    http://www.glitchwrks.com       *     \__/\  / \____/__/  |__|\ \/__  /
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/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  The Walnut Creek CP/M Archive  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

TITLE            : The Walnut Creek CP/M CD-ROM Archive
ORIGINAL RELEASE : 25 October 1994
TORRENT RELEASE  : 25 October 2010
FILESIZE         : 352 MB (compressed) / 481 MB (uncompressed)
MD5 SUM          : e36b9dd1935fea3527ff8d3eed4a7a87

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  Torrent Info  /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Walnut Creek used to host thousands of pieces of shareware for various 
platforms through their ftp.cdrom.com FTP server, including the Simtel archives
and the Aminet Amiga software archives. Periodically, "shovelware" CD-ROMs
would be produced to provide users with an OS-centric collection of useful
applications without having to download them all individually.

This particular release of the Walnut Creek CP/M archive was release 16 years
ago today and includes many pieces of hard-to-find shareware and freeware for
the CP/M operating system. Along with CP/M software, there are a few DOS 
utilities for browsing and decompressing the archive files featured on the CD.

Unfortunately, if you're not using DOS, most modern compression suites don't
support the old archive formats used with this release. Many of them are LBR
archives, and if you're running a *NIX system, can be decompressed with lbrate:

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  Thanks and Considerations \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
Jeff Jonas of FERRETRONIX was kind enough to archive the entire CD-ROM for me
to help in my search of a particular piece of software for the Kaypro II.

Thanks to the Mid-Atlantic Retro Computing Hobbyists (MARCH : 
http://www.midatlanticretro.org/) for providing an awesome resource to those of
us in the mid-Atlantic region of the USA.

For more retrocomputing information and a great set of forums to hang out on,
check out Erik Klien's Vintage Computer Forums at 

Also many thanks to Binary Revolution/the DDP, 2600, and 300 Baud Magazine!

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  KEEP THIS TORRENT ALIVE -- PLEASE SEED!  \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

This is free software, and as far as we know it's perfectly legitimate to
redistribute it in its whole, unmodified, original state. Keep your share ratio
high by leaving this in your seed queue!

Please help keep old software available!

Copyright (c) 2024 Jonathan Chapman